A Dragons Quest Update 3 - Enemies / Interaction / Puzzles

This weeks Student review, brought to my attention the fact that my game was still bare bones. But my fellow students still had valuable critiques to give. 

The background was changed AGAIN... I'm on my 3rd background now and i've spent over an hour getting it to the point where the 'seem' of the background is less visible. I have also increased the movement speed of the 'Dragon' to help ion avoiding enemy Arrows.

That's right I have made good progress on the more active things of my game.

  • You can now shoot with Space bar
  • There is a game object change when hitting an enemy with "Fire" now. 
  • The enemy's will shoot at the players current position.
  • There is an enemy spawner off screen to the left, I have allowed an "unlimited" no. of spawns but only a maximum of 5 enemy's will appear on the screen at one time 

I am still yet to incorporate Health into the game, but is on my "Next To Do" list along with the guard animation. I fell like they might be a bit tricky. I have the Sprites I want to use to show health on the Top Mid of the screen, as well as the Green showing shielded.

Once I have the dragons health and block in place, it's only a matter of getting Menu, Settings, Scoreboard screens up. As well as a Game Over and Restart screen on player death.

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