A Dragons Quest Creation

Working Title: A Dragons Quest 

Game Concept /Story: 


You will be playing as a young dragon whom, after hatching from your nest find your home ransacked of belongings and your mother, father and siblings EGGS MISSING!? 

With only a Kingdoms Crest to go on, you will set out to different lands and kingdoms to find who is responsible for the Kidnapping your family before something happens. 


  • Horizontal Scrolling Shooter 
  • Action 

Concept Creation Process: 

The Reasoning behind these genres was mainly provided by my wife. Who, when I asked, “what game should I make” she replied, “can you make one that's easy for me to play with Dragons?” (Loves Toothless) So, this is dedicated to her.  

I originally thought of a simple “Flappy Bird” Situation on an endless runner. Simple enough to play and wouldn't be too difficult to research and create (I think). Just make a Main “Dragon” Character, obstacles and a moving background. 

But then I had a thought. A couple Enemies wouldn't be too bad. So, I ended up giving this Dragon an attack and something to “shoot” at. So now it's more of an “R-Type” style but nowhere near as many Enemies or as difficult. A simple “Revenge” plot twist on the Kingdoms that are typically the “Heros” of the Story.

I plan on getting the Player character to move on an empty background to begin with, and maybe adding the fireball to shoot as well. Then creation of said background will be next with hills and clouds visible and moving. Then the enemy creation, destroyed, movementdamage and projectiles. Finally, UI elements with the Menu, Settings, Score and Game Over screens. 

Target Audience: 

I made a rule for myself years ago when making games was just an idea. 

They need to be... 

  • Easy to Make (concepts and development wise) 
  • Simple to play (I Love the idea that my kids would want to play something like this when they get older (Currently Under 2) and my wife doesn't play games and when she does, she's terrible ) 
  • Enjoyable (It Needs to be Fun, if it's not going to be “FUN” Something needs to change)

I believe the target Audience of younger kids and people who are not big gamers will enjoy my game. For something easy to play, a bit funny but also enjoyable to replay as it gets more challenging the further you progress  

As for how it will be different to the games referenced. I've more 'so used the Idea of “Flappy Bird” as a base for the idea of movement and how I wanted the layout of my game to look. As I began to look at enemies, I looked more at “R-Type” and how they implemented enemies everywhere, (Flying in front of you, on the walls, stationary, moving) but to be honest, I sucked at these types of game, I always found there was too much going on. So, by limiting the number of enemies/types of enemies I'm hoping to achieve a more casual but fun experience. 

They have the following move sets. 

  • Movement Up and Down 
  • A normal Attack (Fire Breath) 
  • A Block (To protect yourself, but also lose altitude) 

Enemy's will consist of: 

  • Knights with crossbows held up with balloons – Attack Slow – Low Damage Per Second 
  • A type of “Simple” Bird (collectable for points) 

That's all I've got for now. 1 Will be enough to start, if I have more time I Want to add more and maybe a BOSS character (Idea is there but don't want to get to ahead of myself) 

As a Scrolling Shooter will normally allow you to travel freely up and down the scene, I will make it so you are NOT allowed to get too “LOW” to the ground or you will take damage and potentially have a GAME OVER.

The game will have a start menu, option menu, game over screen, score board, moving background with hills sky and clouds and sound effects.

Things I’d Like To add IF I HAVE TIME (NOT IN BASE GAME): 

  • A Special Attack (Hits Everything) 
  • A Guard from Enemy attacks 
  • Knight-Copters (Knights in Medieval Attack Helicopters) - Attack Fast Bursts – Mid Damage Per Second
  • Griffin Knights – Attack Slow – High Damage Per Second
  • Castle Foreground 
  • Particle effects for attacks 
  • Sound effects 
  • Background Music 
  • Multiple Coloured dragons (personal choice or character selection menu... Unsure)
  • Make a Sun traverse across the sky in the background, with a moon reappearing to take its place. 

(Images taken on Tues 09/04/24 by Kristan for Pictures of Flappy Bird game, Toothless character and R-Type game) 

 Flappy Bird’. Wikipedia, 30 Mar. 2024. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flappy_Bird&oldid=1216412884  

‘DreamWorks’. DreamWorks, https://www.dreamworks.com/how-to-train-your-dragon/explore/toothless.  Accessed 09 Apr. 2024. 

 R-Type’. Wikipedia, 31 Mar. 2024. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=R-Type&oldid=1216579549  

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